Privacy Policy

Gourmet Kingdom understands customers’ concerns about the privacy of their personal information. Gourmet Kingdom respects the need to treat all information in a responsible manner. This Privacy Statement explains Gourmet Kingdom’ commitment to your privacy. By using this Site, you agree, without limitation, to the practices described in this Privacy Statement and the Site’s Terms of Use. If you do not agree to the terms of this Privacy Statement or our Site’s Terms of Use, please do not visit our Site. 
Information Collected 
Personal Information 
In general, we may collect personal information from visitors to the Site if they (1) sign up to receive newsletters; (2) contact us (including our Webmaster, customer service representatives, or other employees); (3) complete a registration form, survey, or poll; (4) participate in a sweepstakes or contest; (5) make product or service inquiries or (6) purchase products at our Site. In connection with these activities, we may collect personal information, including, but not limited to, name, mailing address, e-mail address, telephone number, age range, birth date, gender, username, password, credit card number, credit card expiration date, photographs, occupation, social security number, other unique identifiers, income range, religion, ethnicity, height & weight. We may combine visitors’ personal information with information that we collect from other online and offline sources. This information may include, for example: (1) information we receive from visitors when they call us, redeem coupons or complete our surveys or other forms; (2) information visitors submit to us at our retail locations or special events; and (3) updated contact and other information about our visitors that we may receive from third parties. 
Non-Personal Information 
As part of the standard operation of our Site, we may collect certain non-personal information from visitors to our Site, including, but not limited to, their browser type (e.g., Netscape or Internet Explorer), operating system (e.g., Windows or Macintosh), IP address, and the domain name from which they accessed the site (e.g., In addition, we may collect information about visitors’ browsing behavior, such as the dates and times they visit our Site, the areas or pages of our Site that they visit, the amount of time spent viewing our Site, the number of times the visitor returns to our Site, and other click-stream data. We may use cookies (small text files that are stored on the hard drives of visitors’ computers when they access our Site) to collect this information as well as for other purposes, including, but not limited to, recognizing prior users, retrieving information previously provided by visitors to the Site, remembering passwords of individuals, and for direction to certain areas of our Site. 
Visitors to our Site are always free to decline cookies, but in doing so, they may not be able to use certain features on our Site. The “Help” segment of the toolbar on most browsers explains how to configure a browser to not accept new cookies, how to have the browser inform users when they receive a new cookie, and how to erase cookies from their hard drives. 
We may also use Web beacons to track information about visitors after they leave the Site, to access cookies, to count page visits as part of our e-mail campaigns, and to otherwise facilitate visitors’ online experience. In addition, we may contract with third parties that place cookies, Web beacons, or other tools on our site to assist us in collecting non-personal information about our visitors. 
We may combine the non-personal information that we collect with the personal information that we collect about our visitors. 
Use of Information
We may use personal information collected from visitors to our Site for any of the following purposes: (1) to fulfill product orders and requests for information about certain products and services; (2) to contact visitors to our Site when necessary (e.g., to respond to inquiries); (3) to send information, promotional materials, and newsletters from our company; (4) to administer contests and sweepstakes offered on our Site; (5) to help address problems with our Site; (6) to conduct internal reviews of our Sites (e.g., to determine the number of visitors to specific pages within the Site); (7) to help us better understand visitor’s use of our Site; (8) to protect the security or integrity of our Site; (9) to conduct market research; and (10) to customize our Site or marketing communications to provide better service for our visitors and customers. Non-personal information will be used for these purposes as well as for conducting internal reviews and monitoring of our Site and providing a greater online experience for our visitors. 
Disclosure of Information 
We may transfer or otherwise disclose information collected from visitors to our Site for the following purposes: (1) to Gourmet Kingdom’ employees, independent contractors, subsidiaries, affiliates, consultants, business associates, service providers, and suppliers, if the disclosure will enable that party to perform a business, professional, or technical support function for Gourmet Kingdom; (2) as necessary if Gourmet Kingdom has reason to believe that such disclosure is necessary to identify, contact, or bring legal action against someone who may be causing injury to or interference with our rights and property, other users of our Site, or anyone else who could be harmed by such activities; (3) to announce winners of sweepstakes and contests; (4) to announce the results of surveys and polls; (5) to respond to judicial process and provide information to law enforcement agencies or in connection with an investigation on matters related to public safety, as permitted by law, or otherwise as required by law; and (6) as provided for under the “Unforeseen Circumstances” section below. 
Our Site is not directed toward, nor do we knowingly collect any personal information from, children under 13. 
Third-Party Web Sites 
Our Site may contain links to other third-party websites, which may have Privacy Policies/Statements that differ from our own. We are not responsible for the activities and practices that take place on these websites. We recommend that you review the Privacy Policy/Statement posted on any website that you may access through our Site. 
Unforeseen Circumstances 
There may be times when we need to amend, modify, remove, or change various aspects of this Privacy Statement, and we reserve the right to do so at our discretion. We recommend that you revisit this Privacy Statement periodically to ensure that you are aware of our current privacy practices. Your continued use of our service following any changes signifies your acceptance of these changes. 
Changes to this Privacy Statement 
There may be times when we need to amend, modify, remove, or change various aspects of this Privacy Statement, and we reserve the right to do so at our discretion. We recommend that you revisit this Privacy Statement periodically to ensure that you are aware of our current privacy practices. Your continued use of our service following any changes signifies your acceptance of these changes. 
We maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to protect the personal information you provide to us. 
Contact Us 
If you have any questions about this Privacy Statement or the practices or activities associated with our Site, or if you’d like to have access to or correct your personal information in our database(s) or remove yourself from our database(s), please feel free to contact us.